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In addition to hundreds of articles on my blog (, I wrote (and I’m writing) some books that deal with topics ranging from social issues, behavior and the nature of man, the evolution of man in relation to everyday life and to work, the resourcefulness of young people and rational methods to achieve small but fundamental objectives, rules improper that have spread in society, ingenuity, etc..

It is not excluded that in the future I may also write technical manuals that are easy to understand and consultation in order to accompany the reader in the production of some particular products. I am currently considering whether to revise and deepen the topics covered on some of these books, or if you leave everything as it is. It is certain that one of these in particular is requesting a special mental commitment to his writing and, at times, I have to wake up in the night, or to abruptly discontinue a dialogue with a person, to quickly write notes on a piece of paper using a good old pencil (yes the pencils, fortunately, still exist).

Following there are also some publications by the author in magazines "Newton" and "AUTO Tecnica"

Newton - Settembre 2011 Newton - Aprile 2012 AUTO Tecnica - Luglio 2013 - Issue 384 Nuovo articolo in preparazione

Issue 18/19
September 2011

Article about the new Formula 1 turbocharged engines of the 2014 season.

Issue 25
April 2012

Article about evolution of regulations in F1.

AUTO Tecnica
Issue 384
July 2013

Article about
Formula E.

New article in preparation!!